Benjamin Varnell
Project Designer I
Benjamin Varnell is a Utah native, whose journey into the field is marked by a profound exploration of classical design. His fascination with the roots of classical architecture has honed his design sensibilities and instilled in him a reverence for the time-honored principles of beauty and symmetry.
Benjamin has advanced his passion for classical architecture and recently graduated from the Utah Valley University. His commitment to excellence is further evidenced by his active participation in the prestigious Institute of Classical Art and Architecture, where he engages with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of classical design principles.
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At Edifice Design + Architecture, Benjamin serves as a digital technician, a role in which he skillfully utilizes his diverse skill sets to create spaces that not only magnify but also restore the human spirit. His proficiency in cutting-edge design software such as AutoCAD and Revit, coupled with exceptional attention to detail, enables him to bring visionary projects to life.

Beyond the drafting table, Benjamin is a family man at heart, who cherishes spending quality time with his loved ones. His interests include woodworking, reading, and traveling—activities that enrich his life and inspire his professional endeavors.

In essence, Benjamin Varnell embodies the spirit of Edifice Design + Architecture, where passion, precision, and classical beauty converge to create spaces that elevate the human experience.

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