Chad Brown
Partner - Architecture
The better it looks the better it works!
Chad’s foremost belief is that great architecture is the culmination of all the visual arts. Steeped in the classical traditions of art, proportion, and craftsmanship, Chad strives to provide enduring solutions within a modern context. He finds delight in the common as well as the exuberant.
During his 17 years of experience in architectural design, Chad has led the design of a variety of projects including commercial, hospitality, residential, and ecclesiastical. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Chad also worked to earn a certificate in classical architecture from the Beaux-Arts Academy in Provo, Utah. During which he studied extensively in Florence and Rome.
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From his earliest childhood memories, Chad has only ever wanted to admire, study and produce beautiful architecture. Being the son of a military father took him around the world at an early age. His first architectural revelation came at the age of 5, chasing friends through the Rokokogarten at Veitshochheim, Germany. Running from one chamber of the formal garden to another he paused and remarked, “It is like I’m in a room, but I’m outside.” Distracted, he forgot about his friends and got lost among the gentle fountains and tall hedges. Not surprisingly his favorite book as a child was “The Little House” by Virginia Lee Burton.

Chad uses his lifelong passion for architecture, world vision, and a deep love of classical art and architecture to realize the creation of not only beautiful buildings but elegant lighting, graceful furniture, stained glass, decorative paint, and murals. He is inspired by anything beautiful, from high jewelry to indigenous patterns and motifs.

As Director of Architectural Design at Edifice Design & Architecture, Chad continuously pushes to raise the standard for design, collaboration, and execution. He truly believes that the best buildings balance aesthetics and function.  “The better it looks the better it works!” is Chad’s motto.

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