Eric Burton
Digital Technician
Eric, an architectural drafter with over three years in the industry, brings an enthusiastic spirit to his projects at Edifice Design + Architecture.
He brings that same fervor for architecture to his studies. As a senior in the Bachelor of Architecture program at Utah Valley University, Eric continues to learn how to create the beautiful, practical, and sustainable environments that Edifice prides itself on. He also comes equipped with an Associate in Science degree in Engineering and Design Technology, which provided essential insight on how to build a better future.
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Eric thrives on the challenge of solving design problems and crafting effective solutions. He takes great satisfaction in seeing his work come to fruition—whether it's observing a building he helped design as it rises during construction or seeing his contributions seamlessly integrated into a project.

Outside of his profession, Eric enjoys spending time with his wife, dogs, family, and friends. He also loves to read, watch movies, play guitar, and is currently writing his first novel. For him, writing, much like architecture, is an exciting creative process that offers many rewarding experiences.

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